Can I reserve the Great Books room in Payson Library in Malibu?


Guidelines for Using the Payson Library Great Books Room (GBR)

The Great Books Room (GBR) on the second floor of Payson Library is for use by reservation only. Consumption of food and drink in the Great Books Room is permitted only at officially sponsored and supervised receptions.

Reservations for GBR use may be requested through the office of the Dean of Libraries (310-506-4252) which also maintains a schedule of times the room is available for use. Reservation requests will be considered in the following priority order:

 Great Books classes

  1. Other classes that require the specific set up the GBR offers
  2. Library meetings
  3. Other uses supervised by a librarian or faculty member

The GBR will normally be opened in the morning and closed following the last scheduled class. Access to the room outside of these times can be arranged through the office of the Dean of Libraries.

  • Last Updated Dec 15, 2020
  • Views 176
  • Answered By Sally Bryant

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